Creating an extension
Le contexte
The owners of this village house want to extend the ground floor of their house to have full access to their bedroom initially located on the first floor. They contacted me after their architect's plans were completed so that I could work on 3D modeling and also work on the textures, the layout of the bathroom and the storage. Based on the plans submitted for the building permit, I was able to produce 3D renderings to make their project more realistic and thus anticipate issues related to traffic and lighting.
The organization of the bathroom
The room is very small, working with 3D modeling we can optimize the elements and make it as functional as possible.
3D plans
In order to project yourself into your new interior, viewing the plans in 3D is absolutely essential. All the furniture and installations are to exact scale with a very fine rendering of the materials
3D rendering
For each room a very high definition 3D rendering is made with the choice of colors and materials